Wednesday, January 13, 2010

SL Record Shop?

In September 2009, I joined an online community named Second Life. I was introduced by a friend's husband who was using the game as an medium for his online class. In my short time in Second Life, I discovered that time is tremendously compressed and this time alteration offers gateways of virtual opportunity. In this fast-paced virtual world, it is easy for a noob to become an SL entrepreneur within just a few months. Many seek SL business for money, but in my recent endeavor, I've decided I'd like to create a place that provides for a nostalgic social environment in combination with the love of music.
"Free Bird" record store: I'd like to set-up an eclectic social music community in which SL music lovers can connect and discuss their favorite tunes/bands with others. The main focus of the shop will be group members. Members of the record store will receive notices that introduce them to the newest updates in music whether it be band webpages, articles, books, etc. The community would be welcomed to share the same types of information with each other and with the shop. Also, the notices keep the group interactive by promoting events and live music. The record shop would host events that pertain to musical themes (i.e. David Bowie theme night? lol) and the live SL music promotes traffic to the sim and gathers avatars to form musical communities. Overall, a record shop not only embodies my own RL personality and desire for music through my avatar's business adventure, but it will bring a community of members who have a deep interest in music and people.

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